Answers for "find date withinn weeks php"


php calculate weeks between two dates

function numWeeks($dateOne, $dateTwo){
    //Create a DateTime object for the first date.
    $firstDate = new DateTime($dateOne);
    //Create a DateTime object for the second date.
    $secondDate = new DateTime($dateTwo);
    //Get the difference between the two dates in days.
    $differenceInDays = $firstDate->diff($secondDate)->days;
    //Divide the days by 7
    $differenceInWeeks = $differenceInDays / 7;
    //Round down with floor and return the difference in weeks.
    return floor($differenceInWeeks);

$numOfWeek = numWeeks('2021-01-21', '2021-01-28');
Posted by: Guest on February-24-2021

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