php timestamp to date
echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s', 1541843467);
php timestamp to date
echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s', 1541843467);
timestamp php
$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp();
php date timestamp now
//Get current date time in PHP
// Simply:
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Or:
$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s');
// This would return the date in the following formats respectively:
$date = '2012-03-06 17:33:07';
// Or
$date = '2012/03/06 17:33:07';
* This time is based on the default server time zone.
* If you want the date in a different time zone,
* say if you come from Nairobi, Kenya like I do, you can set
* the time zone to Nairobi as shown below.
// Then call the date functions
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Or
$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s');
// date_default_timezone_set() function is however
// supported by PHP version 5.1.0 or above.
php datetime to timestamp
$time = '2021-03-31 23:59:00';
php unix timestamp to date
$currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $timestamp );
php date object to timestamp
$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp();
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