Answers for "for each laravel"


laravel for loop

@for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
    The current value is {{ $i }}

@foreach ($users as $user)
    <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>

@forelse ($users as $user)
    <li>{{ $user->name }}</li>
    <p>No users</p>

@while (true)
    <p>I'm looping forever.</p>
Posted by: Guest on October-12-2020

for each loop syntax in laravel

@foreach ($users as $user)
    @if ($loop->first)
        This is the first iteration.

    @if ($loop->last)
        This is the last iteration.

    <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>
Posted by: Guest on November-18-2020

$loop variable laravel

@foreach ($pages as $page)
    <li>{{ $loop->iteration }}: {{ $page->title }}
        @if ($page->hasChildren())
        @foreach ($page->children() as $child)
            <li>{{ $loop->parent->iteration }}.{{ $loop->iteration }}:
                {{ $child->title }}</li>
Posted by: Guest on August-27-2020

foreach loop laravel

foreach($data as $key => $value)
Posted by: Guest on March-18-2021

foreach in laravel

foreach ($users as $user) {
    // stuff here
Posted by: Guest on March-30-2020

$loop laravel list

$loop->index Returns a 0-based current loop iteration; 0 would mean the first iteration
$loop->iteration Returns a 1-based current loop iteration; 1 would mean the first iteration
$loop->remaining Number of iterations remaining in the loop; if there are a total of 10 iterations and the current iteration is 3, it would return 7
$loop->count Returns the total number of iterations or the total number of items in the array
$loop->first Returns true if it is the first iteration or item in the loop else returns false.
$loop->last Returns true if it is the last iteration or item in the loop else return false.
$loop->depth Returns the depth or nesting level of the current loop; returns 2 if it is a loop within a loop and 3 if it is nested one level more
$loop->parentIf this loop is nested within another @foreach loop, parent returns the parent’s loop
Posted by: Guest on August-29-2020

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