current URL without url site laravel
Request::url(), Request::fullUrl(), Request::path(), Request::is() and Request::segment(). @if (Request::path() == '/post-title') // Do something @endif @if (Request::is('admin/*')) // Do something @endif // Returns true for and false for @if (Request::segment(2) == 'post') // Do something @endif @if (Request::url() == 'some string') // Do something @endforeach @if (str_contains(Request::fullUrl(), 'some-string')) // Do something @endif $currentURL = url()->current(); dd($currentURL); $currentURL = url()->full(); dd($currentURL); //current() with Facade $currentURL = URL::current(); dd($currentURL); // Get Previous URL in Laravel: $url = url()->previous(); dd($url); //Get Current Route in Laravel: $route = Route::current()->getName(); dd($route);