php artisan serve
The full command works like this: php artisan serve --host=<host IP address> --port=<port to use> php artisan serve --host= --port=8080
php artisan serve
The full command works like this: php artisan serve --host=<host IP address> --port=<port to use> php artisan serve --host= --port=8080
how to run laravel project
Create a database locally named homestead utf8_general_ci Download composer Pull Laravel/php project from git provider. Rename .env.example file to .envinside your project root and fill the database information. (windows wont let you do it, so you have to open your console cd your project root directory and run mv .env.example .env ) Open the console and cd your project root directory Run composer install or php composer.phar install Run php artisan key:generate Run php artisan migrate Run php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any. Run php artisan serve #####You can now access yo ur project at localhost:8000 :)
laravel create project
// To install and use a specific version, you can enter it at the end of the command. // For example using version 5.8 ==> composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel projectName "5.8.*"
php artisan serve
// run laravel project php artisan serve --port="port" --host="host"
start someones laravel project
1. composer update --no-scripts or composer install 2. php artisan key:generate 3. rename example.env to .env 4. Change database credentials, set debug mode! Change app url 4. php artisan migrate(make sure u have the database running in the server) 5. php artisan config:clear 6. you are good to go!
how to start composer in laravel project on localhost
php artisan serve /* To START composer in project folder on MacOS: The original answer is: The full command works like this: php artisan serve --host=<host IP address> --port=<port to use> php artisan serve --host= --port=8080 AFTER: php artisan serve TERMINAL SHOWS: Laravel development server started: <> IN WEB BROWSER ENTER THE: , OR: http://localhost:8000/ AND YOU ARE IN ! ! ! */ http://localhost:8000/
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