Answers for "Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL"


Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

// If the user clicked submit on comment form...
if (isset($_POST['comment_posted'])) {
	global $db;
	// grab the comment that was submitted through Ajax call
	$comment_text = $_POST['comment_text'];
	// insert comment into database
	$sql = "INSERT INTO comments (post_id, user_id, body, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (1, " . $user_id . ", '$comment_text', now(), null)";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	// Query same comment from database to send back to be displayed
	$inserted_id = $db->insert_id;
	$res = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id=$inserted_id");
	$inserted_comment = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
	// if insert was successful, get that same comment from the database and return it
	if ($result) {
		$comment = "<div class='comment clearfix'>
					<img src='profile.png' alt='' class='profile_pic'>
					<div class='comment-details'>
						<span class='comment-name'>" . getUsernameById($inserted_comment['user_id']) . "</span>
						<span class='comment-date'>" . date('F j, Y ', strtotime($inserted_comment['created_at'])) . "</span>
						<p>" . $inserted_comment['body'] . "</p>
						<a class='reply-btn' href='#' data-id='" . $inserted_comment['id'] . "'>reply</a>
					<!-- reply form -->
					<form action='post_details.php' class='reply_form clearfix' id='comment_reply_form_" . $inserted_comment['id'] . "' data-id='" . $inserted_comment['id'] . "'>
						<textarea class='form-control' name='reply_text' id='reply_text' cols='30' rows='2'></textarea>
						<button class='btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right submit-reply'>Submit reply</button>
		$comment_info = array(
			'comment' => $comment,
			'comments_count' => getCommentsCountByPostId(1)
		echo json_encode($comment_info);
	} else {
		echo "error";
// If the user clicked submit on reply form...
if (isset($_POST['reply_posted'])) {
	global $db;
	// grab the reply that was submitted through Ajax call
	$reply_text = $_POST['reply_text']; 
	$comment_id = $_POST['comment_id']; 
	// insert reply into database
	$sql = "INSERT INTO replies (user_id, comment_id, body, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (" . $user_id . ", $comment_id, '$reply_text', now(), null)";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$inserted_id = $db->insert_id;
	$res = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM replies WHERE id=$inserted_id");
	$inserted_reply = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
	// if insert was successful, get that same reply from the database and return it
	if ($result) {
		$reply = "<div class='comment reply clearfix'>
					<img src='profile.png' alt='' class='profile_pic'>
					<div class='comment-details'>
						<span class='comment-name'>" . getUsernameById($inserted_reply['user_id']) . "</span>
						<span class='comment-date'>" . date('F j, Y ', strtotime($inserted_reply['created_at'])) . "</span>
						<p>" . $inserted_reply['body'] . "</p>
						<a class='reply-btn' href='#'>reply</a>
		echo $reply;
	} else {
		echo "error";
Posted by: Guest on August-08-2020

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

	// When user clicks on submit comment to add comment under post
	$(document).on('click', '#submit_comment', function(e) {
		var comment_text = $('#comment_text').val();
		var url = $('#comment_form').attr('action');
		// Stop executing if not value is entered
		if (comment_text === "" ) return;
			url: url,
			type: "POST",
			data: {
				comment_text: comment_text,
				comment_posted: 1
			success: function(data){
				var response = JSON.parse(data);
				if (data === "error") {
					alert('There was an error adding comment. Please try again');
				} else {
	// When user clicks on submit reply to add reply under comment
	$(document).on('click', '.reply-btn', function(e){
		// Get the comment id from the reply button's data-id attribute
		var comment_id = $(this).data('id');
		// show/hide the appropriate reply form (from the reply-btn (this), go to the parent element (comment-details)
		// and then its siblings which is a form element with id comment_reply_form_ + comment_id)
		$(this).parent().siblings('form#comment_reply_form_' + comment_id).toggle(500);
		$(document).on('click', '.submit-reply', function(e){
			// elements
			var reply_textarea = $(this).siblings('textarea'); // reply textarea element
			var reply_text = $(this).siblings('textarea').val();
			var url = $(this).parent().attr('action');
				url: url,
				type: "POST",
				data: {
					comment_id: comment_id,
					reply_text: reply_text,
					reply_posted: 1
				success: function(data){
					if (data === "error") {
						alert('There was an error adding reply. Please try again');
					} else {
						$('.replies_wrapper_' + comment_id).append(data);
Posted by: Guest on August-08-2020

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

|     field      |     type     | specs      |
|  id            | INT(11)      |            |
|  title         | VARCHAR(255) |            |
|  slug          | VARCHAR(255) | UNIQUE     |
|  body          | TEXT         |            |
|  created_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
|  updated_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

<?php include('functions.php'); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<title>Comment and reply system in PHP</title>
	<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<div class="container">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 post">
			<h2><?php echo $post['title'] ?></h2>
			<p><?php echo $post['body']; ?></p>
		<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 comments-section">
			<!-- if user is not signed in, tell them to sign in. If signed in, present them with comment form -->
			<?php if (isset($user_id)): ?>
				<form class="clearfix" action="post_details.php" method="post" id="comment_form">
					<textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" class="form-control" cols="30" rows="3"></textarea>
					<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right" id="submit_comment">Submit comment</button>
			<?php else: ?>
				<div class="well" style="margin-top: 20px;">
					<h4 class="text-center"><a href="#">Sign in</a> to post a comment</h4>
			<?php endif ?>
			<!-- Display total number of comments on this post  -->
			<h2><span id="comments_count"><?php echo count($comments) ?></span> Comment(s)</h2>
			<!-- comments wrapper -->
			<div id="comments-wrapper">
			<?php if (isset($comments)): ?>
				<!-- Display comments -->
				<?php foreach ($comments as $comment): ?>
				<!-- comment -->
				<div class="comment clearfix">
					<img src="profile.png" alt="" class="profile_pic">
					<div class="comment-details">
						<span class="comment-name"><?php echo getUsernameById($comment['user_id']) ?></span>
						<span class="comment-date"><?php echo date("F j, Y ", strtotime($comment["created_at"])); ?></span>
						<p><?php echo $comment['body']; ?></p>
						<a class="reply-btn" href="#" data-id="<?php echo $comment['id']; ?>">reply</a>
					<!-- reply form -->
					<form action="post_details.php" class="reply_form clearfix" id="comment_reply_form_<?php echo $comment['id'] ?>" data-id="<?php echo $comment['id']; ?>">
						<textarea class="form-control" name="reply_text" id="reply_text" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea>
						<button class="btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right submit-reply">Submit reply</button>

					<!-- GET ALL REPLIES -->
					<?php $replies = getRepliesByCommentId($comment['id']) ?>
					<div class="replies_wrapper_<?php echo $comment['id']; ?>">
						<?php if (isset($replies)): ?>
							<?php foreach ($replies as $reply): ?>
								<!-- reply -->
								<div class="comment reply clearfix">
									<img src="profile.png" alt="" class="profile_pic">
									<div class="comment-details">
										<span class="comment-name"><?php echo getUsernameById($reply['user_id']) ?></span>
										<span class="comment-date"><?php echo date("F j, Y ", strtotime($reply["created_at"])); ?></span>
										<p><?php echo $reply['body']; ?></p>
										<a class="reply-btn" href="#">reply</a>
							<?php endforeach ?>
						<?php endif ?>
					<!-- // comment -->
				<?php endforeach ?>
			<?php else: ?>
				<h2>Be the first to comment on this post</h2>
			<?php endif ?>
			</div><!-- comments wrapper -->
		</div><!-- // all comments -->
<!-- Javascripts -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Bootstrap Javascript -->
<script src=""></script>

<script src="scripts.js"></script>
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

form button { margin: 5px 0px; }
textarea { display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; }
.post { border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-top: 10px; }
.comments-section { margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; }
.comment { margin-bottom: 10px; }
.comment .comment-name { font-weight: bold; }
.comment .comment-date {
	font-style: italic;
	font-size: 0.8em;
.comment .reply-btn, .edit-btn { font-size: 0.8em; }
.comment-details { width: 91.5%; float: left; }
.comment-details p { margin-bottom: 0px; }
.comment .profile_pic {
	width: 35px;
	height: 35px;
	margin-right: 5px;
	float: left;
	border-radius: 50%;
.reply { margin-left: 30px; }
.reply_form {
	margin-left: 40px;
	display: none;
#comment_form { margin-top: 10px; }
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

|     field      |     type     | specs      |
|  id            | INT(11)      |            |
|  user_id       | INT(11)      |            |
|  post_id       | INT(11)      |            |
|  body          | TEXT         |            |
|  created_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
|  updated_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

|     field      |     type               | specs      |
|  id            | INT(11)                |            |
|  username      | VARCHAR(255)           | UNIQUE     |
|  email         | VARCHAR(255)           | UNIQUE     |
|  password      | VARCHAR(255)           |            |
|  created_at    | TIMESTAMP              |            |
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

Creating a comment and reply system PHP and MySQL

|     field      |     type     | specs      |
|  id            | INT(11)      |            |
|  user_id       | INT(11)      |            |
|  comment_id    | INT(11)      |            |
|  body          | TEXT         |            |
|  created_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
|  updated_at    | TIMESTAMP    |            |
Posted by: Guest on September-12-2021

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