try except python
print("I will try to print this line of code")
print("I will print this line of code if an error is encountered")
try except python
print("I will try to print this line of code")
print("I will print this line of code if an error is encountered")
try except python
print("I will try to print this line of code")
except ERROR_NAME:
print("I will print this line of code if error ERROR_NAME is encountered")
try except python
Age = int(input("Your Age:- "))
except ValueError:
print("Age not in Intger form")
try except python
age = input('age:')
new_age = int(age)
except ValueError: # if age is not convertable to int
print('please enter a number...')
try except python
# Python try: except:
print(a + b) # Program will try the add b to a
print("There was an error") # If the program will have an error in the try block
# The except block will run
# except block will run and then the program will continue to run
# Examples:
a = 1
b = 1 # <===== no error, except block skipped
a = 1
b = 'one' # <===== error, except block run
try except python
try: #try to do the following
print("Hi there")
except: #If what is meant to happen in (try) fails, do this.
print("A error happened with the code above")
try except python
def sum_of(x, y):
print(x + y)
except TypeError:
print("Invalid argument specified.")
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