Answers for "sorted vs sort python"


sorted vs sort python

# The sort() function will modify the list it is called on. 
# The sorted() function will create a new list 
# containing a sorted version of the list it is given.

list = [4,8,2,1]
#--> list = [1,2,4,8] now

list = [4,8,2,1]
new_list = list.sorted()
#--> list = [4,8,2,1], but new_list = [1,2,4,8]
Posted by: Guest on May-15-2020

python difference between sort and sorted

The primary difference between the list sort() function and
the sorted() function is that the sort() function will modify
the list it is called on. The sorted() function will create a 
new list containing a sorted version of the list it is given.
... The sort() function modifies the list in-place and has no return value.
Posted by: Guest on October-08-2020

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