Answers for "use functions to resample pandas"


resample ohlc pandas

In [101]: df.resample('1H').agg({'openbid': 'first', 
                                 'highbid': 'max', 
                                 'lowbid': 'min', 
                                 'closebid': 'last'})
                      lowbid  highbid  closebid  openbid
2015-09-30 23:00:00  1.11687  1.11712   1.11708    1.117
Posted by: Guest on May-16-2021

use functions to resample pandas

#We can also use custom functions and apply them when resampling using the .apply(method_name) method
#This is an example used in a downsampling example
def custom_resampler(arraylike):
    return np.sum(arraylike) + 5
Posted by: Guest on August-13-2021

pandas resample documentation

B         business day frequency
C         custom business day frequency (experimental)
D         calendar day frequency
W         weekly frequency
M         month end frequency
SM        semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM        business month end frequency
CBM       custom business month end frequency
MS        month start frequency
SMS       semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS       business month start frequency
CBMS      custom business month start frequency
Q         quarter end frequency
BQ        business quarter endfrequency
QS        quarter start frequency
BQS       business quarter start frequency
A         year end frequency
BA, BY    business year end frequency
AS, YS    year start frequency
BAS, BYS  business year start frequency
BH        business hour frequency
H         hourly frequency
T, min    minutely frequency
S         secondly frequency
L, ms     milliseconds
U, us     microseconds
N         nanoseconds
Posted by: Guest on November-05-2020

resample ohlc pandas

data_ask_bid=pd.concat([data_ask, data_bid], axis=1, keys=['Ask', 'Bid'])
Posted by: Guest on June-13-2020

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