python how to make a function
#Functions can be re used in programmes and can be extremely useful.
#You would use functions a lot when you make programmes using packages such
#as Tkinter, of which you will in the future.
#The Format:
#def [Whatever name you want]()
#[The "()" at the end is compulsory as we are making a function.]
#Think of it like using an inbuilt function from python like .lower()
def greet():
greet() #We are recalling the function by typing out its name and brackets
#This function will have something known as a parameter aka arguement
#This example will show a non changeable arguement unless coded
#Option 1, will directly print the sum:
def math(num1, num2):
sum = num1+num2
math(1, 2) #We change the num 1 and num 2 to the one and 2, though this can't change unless progammed to.
#Option 2, will return the sum and then print upon command.
def math(num1, num2):
sum = num1+num2
return sum
print(math(1, 2))
#Good luck to all my future Software engineers! Hope life treats you all well!
#Inshallah! (Meaning if Allah allows it!)