Answers for "how to copy list python"


copy a list python

new_list = old_list.copy()
# or
new_list = old_list[:]
Posted by: Guest on March-05-2020

python copy list

# Performance analysis by River on Stack Overflow
METHOD                  TIME TAKEN
b = [*a]                2.75180600000021
b = a * 1               3.50215399999990
b = a[:]                3.78278899999986  # Python2 winner
b = a.copy()            4.20556500000020
b = []; b.extend(a)     4.68069800000012
b = a[0:len(a)]         6.84498999999959
*b, = a                 7.54031799999984
b = list(a)             7.75815899999997
b = [i for i in a]      18.4886440000000
b = copy.copy(a)        18.8254879999999  # With `import copy`
b = []
for item in a:
    b.append(item)      35.4729199999997
# NOTE: Only for shallow copies, use copy.deepcopy for nested lists
Posted by: Guest on November-21-2020

how to copy list python

new_list = old_list.copy()
# Above new_list does not get affected when modifying old_list
new_list = old_list
#Here new_list is also affected if any modifications are made to old_list
Posted by: Guest on June-09-2021

python copy list

''' now b has all elements of  a'''
Posted by: Guest on September-29-2020

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