Answers for "django psql setup"


django psql setup

This gist I write, because I couldn't find step by step instructions 
how to install and start postgresql locally and not globally in the
operating system (which would require sudo).

I hope, this will help especially people new to postgresql!

# create conda environment

conda create --name myenv

# enter the environment
conda activate myenv

# install postgresql via conda

conda install -y -c conda-forge postgresql

# create a base database locally

initdb -D mylocal_db

# now start the server modus/instance of postgres

pg_ctl -D mylocal_db -l logfile start

## waiting for server to start.... done
## server started

# now the server is up

# create a non-superuser (more safety!)

createuser --encrypted --pwprompt mynonsuperuser
# asks for name and password

# using this super user, create inner database inside the base database

createdb --owner=mynonsuperuser myinner_db

# in this point, if you run some program,
# you connect you program with this inner database
# e.g. Django 

# in django (Python) e.g. you do

nano <mysite>/ # or instead of nano your favorite editor!

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'myinner_db',
        'USER': 'mynonsuperuser',
        'PASSWORD': '<mynonsuperuserpassword>',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '',

# and it is available for django
# so that you can do

# do with the connected program further steps

# first install psycopg2
# because django requires this for handling postgresql
conda install -c anaconda psycopg2
Posted by: Guest on June-08-2021

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