python move mouse smoothly at constant speed
import pyautogui, math
from random import randint
def moveTo(x,y,speed=1100 , rand_x=0, rand_y=0, rand_time=0):
"""speed --> Pixels/sec
Check current cursor position and move relative to the distance to x,y input"""
x_now, y_now = pyautogui.position()
length = math.sqrt(pow(abs(x - x_now),2) + pow(abs(y - y_now),2))
speed = speed *0.6 if length < 500 else speed # move slower when the cursor is close
speed = 100 if speed <100 else speed # limit minimum speed
time = length / speed + randint(-rand_time,rand_time)/1000
print("distance: {}px & time: {}s".format(int(length), round(time,3) ) )
pyautogui.moveTo(x+ randint(-rand_x,rand_x),
y+ randint(-rand_y,rand_y),
time, tween=pyautogui.easeOutQuad)
if __name__ == "__main__":