Answers for "Python - Insert a new node at a given position in the Linked List"


Python - Insert a new node at a given position in the Linked List

def push_at(self, newElement, position):     
  #1. allocate node to new element
  newNode = Node(newElement)

  #2. check if the position is > 0 
  if(position < 1):
    print("\nposition should be >= 1.")
  elif (position == 1):
    #3. if the position is 1, make next of the
    #   new node as head and new node as head = self.head
    self.head = newNode
    #4. Else, make a temp node and traverse to the 
    #   node previous to the position
    temp = self.head
    for i in range(1, position-1):
      if(temp != None):
        temp =   
    #5. If the previous node is not null, make 
    #   newNode next as temp next and temp next 
    #   as newNode.
    if(temp != None): = = newNode  
      #6. When the previous node is null
      print("\nThe previous node is null.")
Posted by: Guest on July-17-2021

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