Answers for "numpy move columns"


numpy move columns

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([[10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
...               [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10]])
>>> permutation = [0, 4, 1, 3, 2]
>>> idx = np.empty_like(permutation)
>>> idx[permutation] = np.arange(len(permutation))
>>> a[:, idx]  # return a rearranged copy
array([[10, 30, 50, 40, 20],
       [ 6,  8, 10,  9,  7]])
>>> a[:] = a[:, idx]  # in-place modification of a
Posted by: Guest on June-03-2020

numpy move columns

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([[10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
...               [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10]])
>>> permutation = [0, 4, 1, 3, 2]
>>> idx = np.empty_like(permutation)
>>> idx[permutation] = np.arange(len(permutation))
>>> a[:, idx]  # return a rearranged copy
array([[10, 30, 50, 40, 20],
       [ 6,  8, 10,  9,  7]])
>>> a[:] = a[:, idx]  # in-place modification of a
Posted by: Guest on June-03-2020

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