a function to create a null correlation heatmap in python
def plot_null_correlations(df):
# create a correlation matrix only for columns with at least
# one missing value
cols_with_missing_vals = df.columns[df.isnull().sum() > 0]
missing_corr = df[cols_with_missing_vals].isnull().corr()
# create a triangular mask to avoid repeated values and make
# the plot easier to read
missing_corr = missing_corr.iloc[1:, :-1]
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(missing_corr), k=1)
# plot a heatmap of the values
ax = sns.heatmap(missing_corr, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu', mask=mask, annot=True)
# round the labels and hide labels for values near zero
for text in ax.texts:
t = float(text.get_text())
if -0.05 < t < 0.01:
text.set_text(round(t, 2))