python ising magnetisation and energy
import numpy as np
import random
#creating the initial array
def init_spin_array(rows, cols):
return np.ones((rows, cols))
#calcuating the nearest neighbours
def find_neighbors(spin_array, lattice, x, y):
left = (x, y - 1)
right = (x, (y + 1) % lattice)
top = (x - 1, y)
bottom = ((x + 1) % lattice, y)
return [spin_array[left[0], left[1]],
spin_array[right[0], right[1]],
spin_array[top[0], top[1]],
spin_array[bottom[0], bottom[1]]]
#calculating the energy of the configuration
def energy(spin_array, lattice, x ,y):
return 2 * spin_array[x, y] * sum(find_neighbors(spin_array, lattice, x, y))
#main code
def main10():
#defining the number of initial sweeps, the lattice size, and number of monte carlo sweeps
lattice = 10
sweeps = 1000
e1= e0 = 0
for temperature in np.arange(0.1, 4.0, 0.2):
#setting up initial variables
spin_array = init_spin_array(lattice, lattice)
mag = np.zeros(sweeps + RELAX_SWEEPS)
spec = np.zeros(sweeps + RELAX_SWEEPS)
Energy = np.zeros(sweeps + RELAX_SWEEPS)
# the Monte Carlo
for sweep in range(sweeps + RELAX_SWEEPS):
for i in range(lattice):
for j in range(lattice):
e = energy(spin_array, lattice, i, j)
if e <= 0:
spin_array[i, j] *= -1
elif np.exp((-1.0 * e)/temperature) > random.random():
spin_array[i, j] *= -1
#Thermodynamic Variables
mag[sweep] = abs(sum(sum(spin_array))) / (lattice ** 2)
Energy[sweep] = energy(spin_array,lattice,i,j)/ (lattice ** 2)
#Specific Heat
e0 = e0 + energy(spin_array,lattice,i,j)
e1 = e1 + energy(spin_array,lattice,i,j) *energy(spin_array,lattice,i,j)
spec[sweep]=((e1/(sweeps*lattice) - e0*e0/(sweeps*sweeps*lattice*lattice)) / (temperature * temperature))
#Printing the thermodynamic variables
print(temperature,sum(Energy[RELAX_SWEEPS:]) / sweeps, sum(mag[RELAX_SWEEPS:]) / sweeps,sum(spec[RELAX_SWEEPS:]) / sweeps)