logical operators in python
condition1 and condition2
condition1 or condition2
not condition
logical operators in python
condition1 and condition2
condition1 or condition2
not condition
!= python
#The (!) is the not operator in Python, (!=) means not equal to.
if 2!=10:
print("2 isn't equal to 10.")
elif 2=10:
print("2 is equal to 10.")
#Prints "2 isn't equal to 10." as 2 isn't equal to 10. Is it?
python >>
# >> and << are bitwise operators. They shift the bits of an integer right and left
# 7 = 0111
print(7 >> 1)
# 3 (0011)
print(7 << 1)
# 14 (1110)
python << >>
& Bitwise AND a & b and_(a, b) __and__(self, other)
| Bitwise OR a | b or_(a,b) __or__(self, other)
^ Bitwise XOR a ^ b xor(a, b) __xor__(self, other)
~ Bitwise NOT ~ a invert(a) __invert__(self)
>> Bitwise R shift a >> b rshift(a, b) __irshift__(self, other)
<< Bitwise L shift a << b lshift(a, b) __lshift__(self, other)
python <>
a = 1
b = 2
if a != b:
if a <> b:
above mentioned code are same As described in the documentation,
they are the same. <> is deprecated and was removed in Python 3,
so you should use !=
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