Answers for "python compiler to c++"


python to c++ transpiler

# Note: The last time I tested something was missing so I couldn't work
import pathlib
import transpyle

path = pathlib.Path('')
code_reader = transpyle.CodeReader()
code = code_reader.read_file(path)

from_language = transpyle.Language.find('Python 3.6')
to_language = transpyle.Language.find('Fortran 95')
translator = transpyle.AutoTranslator(from_language, to_language)
fortran_code = translator.translate(code, path)
Posted by: Guest on June-16-2020

python compiler to c++

N = 8

slipperySteps = [2,5,6]

slipperyStepsCrossed = 0

totalslipperySteps = 3

jillPosition = 0

steps = []

def findNextStep(jillPosition):
    step = 1
    start = slipperyStepsCrossed
    while (jillPosition+step) in slipperySteps:
        step += 1
    return jillPosition+step

while jillPosition!=N:
    jillPosition = findNextStep(jillPosition)

Posted by: Guest on July-23-2021

python compiler to c++

from random import*

def nim_aleatoire(n,max=4):
  rep=input("_Voulez vous commencer ?")
  if rep == "oui":
    a=int(input("nb retire="))
    b = randrange (1,max)
    print("_python retire",b)
    n = n - a
    n= n - b
    print("il reste",n)
    b = randrange (1,max)
    print("_python retire",b)
    n = n - b
    print("il reste",n)
  while n >= 1:
    a=int(input("nb retire="))
    b = randrange (1,max)
    n1 = n - a
    if n1 == 1:
    n2= n1 - b
    print("_python retire",b)
    print("il reste",n2)
    if n1 == 1:
      print("*vous avez gagne*")
    if n2 == 1:
      print("*vous avez perdu*")
    if n1 == 0:
      print("*vous avez perdu*")
def nim_gagnant(n,max=4):
  if (n-1)%(max+1) == 0:
    print("_Je vous laisse commencer")
    while n >= 1:
      a=int(input("nb retire="))
      n1= n - a
      b = (max+1) - (n - n1)
      if n1 == 0:
      print("_je retire",b)
      n2= n1-b
      print("il reste",n2)
      n = n2
      if n1 == 0:
        print("Il ne reste plus d'allumettes")
        print("*vous avez perdu*")
  if (n-1)%(max+1) and n != 0:
    print("_je commence")
    while n >= 1:
      if n%(max+1)==0:
        b= max
        print("_je retire",b)
        print("il reste",n-b)
        b= n%(max+1) - 1
        print("_je retire",b)
        print("il reste",n-b)
      a=int(input("nb retire="))
      n1= n - a
      n2= n1 - b  
    print("Il ne reste plus d'allumettes")
    print("*vous avez perdu*")
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

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