Answers for "fibonacci function in python"


fibonacci sequence python

# WARNING: this program assumes the
# fibonacci sequence starts at 1
def fib(num):
	"""return the number at index `num` in the fibonacci sequence"""
    if num <= 2:
        return 1
    return fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)

# method 2: use `for` loop
def fib2(num):
	a, b = 1, 1
	for _ in range(num - 1):
		a, b = b, a + b
	return a

print(fib(6))  # 8
print(fib2(6))  # same result, but much faster
Posted by: Guest on February-24-2020

python fibonacci

def Fibonacci( pos ):
        #check for the terminating condition
        if pos <= 1 :
                #Return the value for position 1, here it is 0
                return 0
        if pos == 2:
                #return the value for position 2, here it is 1
                return 1
        #perform some operation with the arguments
        #Calculate the (n-1)th number by calling the function itself
        n_1 = Fibonacci( pos-1 )
        #calculation  the (n-2)th number by calling the function itself again
        n_2 = Fibonacci( pos-2 )
        #calculate the fibo number
        n = n_1 + n_2
        #return the fibo number
        return n
#Here we asking the function to calculate 5th Fibonacci
nth_fibo = Fibonacci( 5 ) 
print (nth_fibo)
Posted by: Guest on April-19-2021

fibonacci sequence python

# WARNING: this program assumes the
# fibonacci sequence starts at 1
def fib(num):
  """return the number at index num in the fibonacci sequence"""
  if num <= 2:
    return 1
  return fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)

print(fib(6))  # 8
Posted by: Guest on April-10-2020

fibonacci sequence python

# This program also assumes the fibonacci sequence starts at 1 
# This code will print as many digits as the user wishes
# Instead of printing a specific number in the sequence 
def fibonacci(digits):

    digit1, digit2 = 1, 1
    amount_of_digits = 0 
    print(str(digit1) + ", " + str(digit2) + ', ', end='')

    while amount_of_digits != digits:
        digit1, digit2 = digit2, digit1 + digit2 
        print(str(digit2) + ", ", end='') # we want to print on the same line
        amount_of_digits = amount_of_digits + 1 

        if amount_of_digits == digits:
            print('Loop done.')

fibonacci(10) # this will print the first 10 digits in the sequence
Posted by: Guest on May-07-2021

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