Answers for "get public ip using python without requests"


get public ip from python

# this is more faster solution written in python2 tho :D
# comapre it with other solutions and you'll see

import urllib2

def get_public_ip(request_target):
	grabber = urllib2.build_opener()
	grabber.addheaders = [('Useragent','Mozilla/5.0')]
		public_ip_address =
	except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
		print("There was an error trying to get your Public IP: %s") % (error)
	except urllib2.URLError, error:
		print("There was an error trying to get your Public IP: %s") % (error)
	return public_ip_address

public_ip = "None"
target_url = ""
public_ip = get_public_ip(target_url)

if not "None" in public_ip:
	print("Your Public IP address is: %s") % (str(public_ip))
	print("Your Public IP address was not found")
Posted by: Guest on July-09-2021

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