Answers for "local variables python"


python local variable

# First, install PyVariable with - pip install pyvariable

import pyvariable

variable = pyvariable.LocalVariable()"var_name", "value")  # Can be used any data type as variable value
var_name = variable.read_str("var_name")  # This will read the value of var_name

Methods -
variable.read_int(var_name) for reading integer variable, 
variable.read_float(var_name) for reading float variable,
variable.read_str(var_name) for reading string variable,
variable.read_list(var_name) for reading list,
variable.read_tuple(var_name) for reading tuple,
variable.read_set(var_name) for reading set,
variable.read_dict(var_name) for reading dictionary,
variable.read_bool(var_name) for reading boolean variable,
variable.exists(var_name) to search if a variable exists,
variable.get_all_as_dict() to get all variables with value in dictionary format.
Posted by: Guest on October-10-2021

python access global variable

globvar = 0

def set_globvar_to_one():
    global globvar    # Needed to modify global copy of globvar
    globvar = 1

def print_globvar():
    print(globvar)     # No need for global declaration to read value of globvar

print_globvar()       # Prints 1
Posted by: Guest on August-14-2020

python local variables

'''Local variables are those that are defined in a block '''
a = 1 #This is NOT a local variable, this is a global variable
def add():
  b = 1 #This IS a local variable
#If we tried to print(b) outside of the add() function, we would get an error
Posted by: Guest on August-06-2020

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