Answers for "write a python function to sum all the numbers in the list"


how to sum numbers of a list in python without sum

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# METHOD 1 (without using the sum function) :

def list_sum(list_name): 
    value = 0 
    for values in list_name:
        value += values
# -------------------------------------------

# METHOD 2 (using the sum function) :

p = [1,5,3,4,6,7]
p_sum = sum(p)
Posted by: Guest on July-09-2021

how to calculate the sum of a list in python

# Python code to demonstrate the working of  
# sum() 
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,1,4,5] 
# start parameter is not provided 
Sum = sum(numbers) 
print(Sum) # result is 25  
# start = 10 
Sum = sum(numbers, 10) 
print(Sum) # result is 10 +25 = 35
Posted by: Guest on May-25-2020

python To find the sum of all the elements in a list.

lst = []
num = int(input('How many numbers: '))
for n in range(num):
    numbers = int(input('Enter number '))
print("Sum of elements in given list is :", sum(lst))
Posted by: Guest on August-18-2020

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