Answers for "define dataframe with column names"


create dataframe with column names pandas

In [4]: import pandas as pd
In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'])
In [6]: df
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
Index: []
Posted by: Guest on May-15-2020

how to give column names in pandas when creating dataframe

df_new = df.rename(columns={'A': 'a'}, index={'ONE': 'one'})
#         a   B   C
# one    11  12  13
# TWO    21  22  23
# THREE  31  32  33

#         A   B   C
# ONE    11  12  13
# TWO    21  22  23
# THREE  31  32  33
Posted by: Guest on April-13-2020

changing names of column pandas

import pandas as pd

# You don't need these two lines
# as you already have your DataFrame in memory
df = pd.read_csv("nor.txt", sep="|")
df.drop(df.columns[-1], axis=1)

# Get column names
cols = df.columns

# Create a new DataFrame with just the markdown
# strings
df2 = pd.DataFrame([['---',]*len(cols)], columns=cols)

#Create a new concatenated DataFrame
df3 = pd.concat([df2, df])

#Save as markdown
df3.to_csv("", sep="|", index=False)
Posted by: Guest on November-02-2021

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