Answers for "password generator using random module python"


password generator python

import string
from random import *
characters = string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation  + string.digits
password =  "".join(choice(characters) for x in range(randint(8, 16)))
print password
Posted by: Guest on July-26-2020

python random password generator

import random

print("Welcome to your own password Generator")

cherecters_for_Genarating_password = ("1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVNM*&%$#@!")
    TO_GENERATE = int(input("How many passwords you have to create:- "))
    Length_of_password = int(input("What should be the lenth of your password:- "))
    print("So these are your passwords:- ")
    #main code
    for passw in range(TO_GENERATE+1):
        print("      or")
        password = ""
        for should_apply in range (Length_of_password):
            password += random.choice(cherecters_for_Genarating_password)
    print("Are these passwords satisfing you Y/N")
    satisfing = str(input())
    if satisfing == "Y" or satisfing == "y":
        print("Ok sir Thanks")
    elif satisfing == "N" or satisfing == "n":
        print("So these are your passwords Again:- ")
        for passw in range(TO_GENERATE):
            password = ""
            for should_apply in range (Length_of_password):
                password += random.choice(cherecters_for_Genarating_password)
        print("incorrect input")
except ValueError:
    print("Incorrect input Sorry")
Posted by: Guest on June-25-2021

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