Answers for "pygame change background color of bmp image"


how to make a backround color in pygame

#getting pygame and another library we need for setup
import pygame, sys

#setup(for starting the pygame i'm pretty sure)

#making the screen
width = 1280
height = 960

#this is the color I want to use. you can change it for a different color using a different tutorial

#to make the background always work
while True:
  #more setup using the special library which is to not give you an error if you quit the code
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
#over here you color the screen
#setup once again(making it go on i think)

#this code was first not tested and i was curious to see if it worked so i ran the code to find out that it was not working lol and then changed it
Posted by: Guest on January-13-2021

how to set background color of an image to transparent in pygame

image = pygame.image.load("Your file location")
image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))  # If your bg color is black for the image
Posted by: Guest on December-23-2020

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