Answers for "python compile code to exe"


how to run a .exe through python

import os
os.startfile("C:\Documents and Settings\flow_model\flow.exe")
Posted by: Guest on February-25-2020

python code to exe file

#first install pyinstaller using 
#pip install pyinstaller
#open your cmd
#first change the directory by using
cd The_path_of_your_code in control panel
#then write simple command given below
pyinstaller --onefile
#now the file will have its exe file in short period of time
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

Python how to compile to exe file

# Открыть командную строку windows 
# Установить pyinstaller 

pip install pyinstaller 

# Затем перейти в папку с Вашим файлом .py в командной строке (при помощи команды cd) 
# Запустить команду pyinstaller не забудьте указать имя вашего скрипта 

pyinstaller --onefile <your_script_name>.py 

# Всё - у вас в папке появится папка src и там будет .exe файл.
Posted by: Guest on April-27-2021

can you release a python program to an exe file

# In the command line, install pyinstaller
python -m pip install pyinstaller

# You might need to add pyinstaller to path. You can do that
# by adding the "scripts" folder in your python installation to path
Posted by: Guest on May-25-2020

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