Answers for "open file for read and write python"


python make txt file

file = open("text.txt", "w") 
file.write("Your text goes here") 
'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first
'x' open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists
'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists
Posted by: Guest on April-04-2020

python read file

with open("file.txt", "r") as txt_file:
  return txt_file.readlines()
Posted by: Guest on November-30-2020

read file python

document = 'document.txt'
file = open(document, 'r')
# 'r' to read.  it can be replaced with:
# 'w' to write (overwrite)
# 'a' to append (add to the end)
# 'w+' makes a new file if one does not already exist of that name
# 'a+' same as 'w+' but appends if the file does exist
# 'x' creates file for writing, but fails if file already exists

##go to beginning of document. not required but good for consistency.

##print all lines in document, except empty lines:
for line in file:
    k = line.strip() 
    print k

##close the file after you are done

##this also works to open a file, and is more error proof:
with open(document) as filestream:
    for i in filestream:
        k = i.strip() 
        print k
Posted by: Guest on December-18-2019

python open and read file with

with open('pagehead.section.htm','r') as f:
    output =
Posted by: Guest on May-15-2020

read and write file in python

#Write a Python program to create a file of numbers by taking input from the user and then display the content of the file. You can take input of non-zero numbers, with an appropriate prompt, from the user until the user enters a zero to create the file assuming that the numbers are non-zero.  
    f = open ('NumFile.txt','w')
    while True :
        no = int(input("enter a number (0 for exit)"))
        if no == 0 :
            print("you entered zero(0) ....... \n now you are exit  !!!!!!!!!!!")
        else :
    f1 = open ('NumFile.txt','r')
    print("\ncontent of file :: \n",
Posted by: Guest on April-22-2021

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