hangman python
# i know its very messy but it was my first try to make something with python ~regards vga
import random
words = ['tree', 'mango', 'coding', 'human', 'python', 'java',
'hangman', 'amazon', 'help', 'football', 'cricket', 'direction', 'dress', 'apology', 'driver', 'ship', 'pilot']
guess = words[random.randint(0, len(words)-1)].upper()
display = []
for x in guess:
print("*** GAME STARTED ****")
print("Guess the word ! ", end=" ")
indexes = []
limbs = 6
userWon = False
userLost = False
guessedLetters = []
def start(word, indexes, display, limbs, userWon, userLost, guessedLetters):
chance = False # to stop recursion
wrong_guess = False
word_found = "" # change it to True or False based on word found in the word array
if userLost == False:
if len(indexes) > 0: # check on recursion if user entered any correct letter
for val in indexes:
# loop to change "_" with the correct letter in array
display[val] = word[val]
if len(guessedLetters) > 0:
# display how many limbs left
print("You have ", limbs, " chances left")
print("Wrong Guesses", guessedLetters)
for dash in display:
# print the display of "_" or the correct letter in the array
print(dash, end=" ")
user_guessed = input(
"Guess by entering a letter or the complete word to win!: ").upper()
if len(user_guessed) == 1: # if user entered only a letter
word_found = False
for i in range(len(word)): # to get the index of word array
if(word[i] == user_guessed): # match every single letter
if i in indexes: # if user already guessed correct letter
print("You already guessed the letter ", word[i])
chance = True
word_found = True
print("Nice guess it was ", word[i])
word_found = True
elif len(user_guessed) > 1: # if used tried to guess by a word
if(word == user_guessed):
print("Woah luck is on your side, You won !")
print("The correct word was ", word)
userWon = True
wrong_guess = True
if user_guessed in guessedLetters: # if user guessed wrong again with the same word/letter
print("You already tried ", user_guessed)
chance = True
elif wrong_guess == True or word_found == False: # when user guessed wrong reduce limbs
print("Eh, Wrong guess")
limbs -= 1
if limbs == 0:
userLost = True
else: # when limbs are not 0 user can still play with chance = true
chance = True
if chance == True:
start(word, indexes, display, limbs,
userWon, userLost, guessedLetters)
chance = False # to stop recursion :X aryan
elif len(indexes) > 0 and userWon == False and userLost == False and chance == False:
if len(indexes) == len(word): # if user guessed all letters
print("Woah, You won ! :)")
print("The correct word was ", word)
start(word, indexes, display, limbs,
userWon, userLost, guessedLetters)
elif userLost == True: # all limbs are 0 so user lost
print("You have ", limbs, " chances left")
print("Sorry, You lost :(")
print("The correct word was ", word)
start(guess, indexes, display, limbs, userWon, userLost, guessedLetters)