Answers for "make django app"


simple django app

# start by installing django by typing the following command

python -m pip install Django

# you can check if it worked by typing

python3 -m django --version # for mac

python -m django --version # for windows

# when that works you can start your project by

django-admin startproject your_project_name

# then you can start your first app by

django-admin startapp your_app_name

# before you can run it, you need to add the app to the project

# go to the folder your_project_name and open and scroll down until you see this


# then go to the folder your_app_name and open and copy the class name

# when you did that, add the following line to installed apps


# happy coding!
Posted by: Guest on March-23-2021

django create new project

django-admin startproject {project-name}
Posted by: Guest on October-10-2020

django make app

...> django-admin startproject mysite
Posted by: Guest on September-14-2020

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