Answers for "if is not string python"


if type is string python

isinstance(s, str)
Posted by: Guest on March-22-2020

if substring not in string python

>>> string = "Hello World"
>>> # Check Sub-String in String
>>> "World" in string
>>> # Check Sub-String not in String
>>> "World" not in string
Posted by: Guest on December-08-2020

not using f string in python

>>> first_name = "Eric"
>>> last_name = "Idle"
>>> age = 74
>>> profession = "comedian"
>>> affiliation = "Monty Python"
>>> print(("Hello, {first_name} {last_name}. You are {age}. " + 
>>>        "You are a {profession}. You were a member of {affiliation}.") 
>>>        .format(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, age=age, 
>>>                profession=profession, affiliation=affiliation))
'Hello, Eric Idle. You are 74. You are a comedian. You were a member of Monty Python.'
Posted by: Guest on December-19-2020

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