Answers for "how to make a .text file in python"


python write to file

file = open(“testfile.txt”,”w”) 
file.write(“Hello World”) 
file.write(“This is our new text file”) 
file.write(“and this is another line.”) 
file.write(“Why? Because we can.”) 
Posted by: Guest on December-09-2019

read file python

document = 'document.txt'
file = open(document, 'r')
# 'r' to read.  it can be replaced with:
# 'w' to write (overwrite)
# 'a' to append (add to the end)
# 'w+' makes a new file if one does not already exist of that name
# 'a+' same as 'w+' but appends if the file does exist
# 'x' creates file for writing, but fails if file already exists

##go to beginning of document. not required but good for consistency.

##print all lines in document, except empty lines:
for line in file:
    k = line.strip() 
    print k

##close the file after you are done

##this also works to open a file, and is more error proof:
with open(document) as filestream:
    for i in filestream:
        k = i.strip() 
        print k
Posted by: Guest on December-18-2019

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