num_one =int(input("Enter 1st number: "))
op =input("Enter operator: ")
num_two =int(input("Enter 2nd number: "))
if op =="+":
print(num_one + num_two)
elif op =="-":
print(num_one - num_two)
elif op =="*"or op =="x":
print(num_one * num_two)
elif op =="/":
print(num_one / num_two)
Posted by: Guest
on August-01-2020
python calculator
# simple calculatortry:
# prompt user
num1 =float(input("Please Enter The first number: "))
operator =input("Please choose the operator (+) for addition, (-) for subtraction, (*) for multiplication""(/) for division , (%) for remainder: ")
num2 =float(input("Please Enter The second number: "))
if operator =='+':
result = num1 + num2
print("The result is: ", result)
elif operator =='-':
result = num1 - num2
print("The result is: ", result)
elif operator =='*':
result = num1 * num2
print("The result is: ", result)
elif operator =='/':
result = num1 / num2
except ZeroDivisionError as err:
print(err, " oops! zero division occur ")
elif operator =='%':
if operator =='%':
result = num1 % num2
print("The result is: ", result)
raise TypeError
except ValueError:
print("wrong value, suggest integer or decimal")
print("All Done")
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