play music from python
from playsound import playsound
play music from python
from playsound import playsound
how to playsound in python
#TO playsound in your python code you need to install play sound module.
# To install playsound moudule-
#(1). Open Terminal
#(2). "In terminal only" type "pip install playsound"
# After installing playsound you need to write-
import playsound from playsound
# syntax of playsound command
# note: ````in python you need to specify path using double back slashes "\",
# instead of single forward or back slash````
# please reaad the starting comments also they are very useful(ignore if readed)
# Enjoy :)
playsound conda
>>> from playsound import playsound
>>> playsound('/path/to/a/sound/file/you/want/to/play.mp3')
Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct.
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