Answers for "how to uninstall python 2.7"


linux uninstall python

sudo apt autoremove python3
Posted by: Guest on December-25-2020

uninstall python 3.5

$sudo apt remove python3.5 (or the version the above command returned)

#the above Command removes python3.5 from the system.

$sudo apt purge python3.5

#the above command removes all the folders and files generated or created by python3.5
Posted by: Guest on November-03-2021

how to uninstall python

1. Navigate to Control Panel.
2. Click “Uninstall a program”, and a list of all the currently installed programs will display.
3. Select the Python version that you want to uninstall, then click the “Uninstall” button above the list – this has to be done for every Python version installed on the system.
Posted by: Guest on March-21-2020

uninstall python 2.7 and install 3

: '
Ubuntu depends greatly on Python 2.7 and Python 3, so there is no good method to remove it.
   Warning: Do not even try to remove it else you will have your OS broken.

Here is my advice....
create a virtual environment for your workspaces, 
  and if you want something better, 
    Download  Anaconda or Miniconda for a better solution  (It depends on what you develop though).

check this threads for more.
Posted by: Guest on June-03-2021

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