python init
class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
python init
class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
python3 import all files in directory
from inspect import isclass
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from pathlib import Path
from importlib import import_module
# iterate through the modules in the current package
package_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
for (_, module_name, _) in iter_modules([package_dir]):
# import the module and iterate through its attributes
module = import_module(f"{__name__}.{module_name}")
for attribute_name in dir(module):
attribute = getattr(module, attribute_name)
if isclass(attribute):
# Add the class to this package's variables
globals()[attribute_name] = attribute file in python
# you can comment here about your package.
# you can also add external libraries to your package.
# for example:
import numpy
import pandas
# you can also add your package information in this file.
__version__ = '2.1.1'
__author__ = 'Depressed Dingo'
# __all__ make others able to access to this datas by importing our package.
__all__ = ['numpy', 'pandas', '__version__', '__author__']
# -----------------------------------------
# example of using this.
from test_package import *
# or
from test_package import numpy
print(__auther__) # --> Depressed Dingo
init function in python
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, length, breadth, unit_cost=0):
self.length = length
self.breadth = breadth
self.unit_cost = unit_cost
def get_area(self):
return self.length * self.breadth
def calculate_cost(self):
area = self.get_area()
return area * self.unit_cost
# breadth = 120 units, length = 160 units, 1 sq unit cost = Rs 2000
r = Rectangle(160, 120, 2000)
print("Area of Rectangle: %s sq units" % (r.get_area()))
__init__ python
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.x = 'Hello'
def method_a(self, foo):
print self.x + ' ' + foo
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