discord music queue python
import discord from discord.ext import commands import os import bunchi_commands import youtube_dl #intents intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True intents.presences = True #variabeln queue = [] #implementation class MyClient(discord.Client): #------------------------------------------------- async def on_message(self, message): prefix = "~" if message.author != self.user: msg = message.content.split() voicechannel = message.author.voice.channel voiceclient = message.guild.voice_client #-------------(voice-commands)-------------------- elif msg[0] == prefix+"join": if voiceclient and voiceclient.is_connected(): await voiceclient.move_to(voicechannel) else: await voicechannel.connect() elif msg[0] == prefix+"dc": if voiceclient.is_connected(): await voiceclient.disconnect() elif msg[0] == prefix+"play": if voiceclient and voiceclient.is_connected(): # just connecting to the voicechannel and voiceclient await voiceclient.move_to(voicechannel) # else: # await voicechannel.connect() # url = str(message.content)[len(msg[0])+1:] dirpath = './downloadsong' filename = 'song.mp3' filepath = '{}/{}'.format(dirpath,filename) if queue == []: # if queue is empty (=not playing a song right now) bunchi_commands.check_song(filepath) # delete old song bunchi_commands.download_song(url,filepath) # download new song voiceclient.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio("./downloadsong/song.mp3")) # play song bunchi_commands.addqueue(queue,url) print(queue) elif msg[0] == prefix+"pause": if voiceclient.is_playing(): voiceclient.pause() elif msg[0] == prefix+"resume": if voiceclient.is_paused(): voiceclient.resume() elif msg[0] == prefix+"stop": voiceclient.stop() #--------------------------------------------------- client = MyClient(intents=intents) client.run('Token')