Answers for "logging interface"


python logging example


import logging

# Create a custom logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Create handlers
c_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
f_handler = logging.FileHandler('file.log')

# Create formatters and add it to handlers
c_format = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
f_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Add handlers to the logger

logger.warning('This is a warning')
logger.error('This is an error')
Posted by: Guest on May-03-2021

Response Logging

Response Logging
If you want to print the response body regardless of the
status code you can do:

get("/x").then().log().body() ..
This will print the response body regardless if an error occurred.
If you're only interested in printing the response body if an error
occur then you can use:

get("/x").then().log().ifError(). .. 
You can also log all details in the response
including status line, headers and cookies:

get("/x").then().log().all(). .. 
as well as only status line, headers or cookies:

get("/x").then().log().statusLine(). .. // Only log the status line
get("/x").then().log().headers(). .. // Only log the response headers
get("/x").then().log().cookies(). .. // Only log the response cookies
You can also configure to log the response
only if the status code matches some value:

get("/x").then().log().ifStatusCodeIsEqualTo(302). .. // 
Only log if the status code is equal to 302

get("/x").then().log().ifStatusCodeMatches(matcher). .. //
Only log if the status code matches the supplied Hamcrest matcher
Posted by: Guest on June-21-2021

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