Answers for "how to merge two dataframes in pandas based on two columns"


merge two dataframes based on column

df_outer = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='id', how='outer') #here id is common column

Posted by: Guest on July-27-2020

pd merge on multiple columns

new_df = pd.merge(A_df, B_df,  how='left', left_on=['A_c1','c2'], right_on = ['B_c1','c2'])
Posted by: Guest on March-26-2020

pandas merge two columns from different dataframes

#suppose you have two dataframes df1 and df2, and 
#you need to merge them along the column id
df_merge_col = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='id')
Posted by: Guest on September-03-2020

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