Answers for "inline else if python"


else if python

word = input('Word: ') # This will ask you to print a word

if word == 'hello': # <- If your response is: 'hello'
	print('world') # <- It will output: 'world'
elif word == 'world': # If the response is: 'world'
	print("Hey, that's my line >:(") # It will print this
	print("Hey buster you gonna say hello or not?")
# If sombody prints ANYTHING ELSE other than 'hello' or 'world'
# It will output that print statment above!

#Hope this helped you!
Posted by: Guest on December-24-2020

else if python

name = input("What's your name? n") # Asks user for a name

# Following if order:
# first program checks if the if is true
# next program lists down the elifs (or else ifs) in the order 
# in which they are listed
# Lastly, if there is an else, program does whatever is inside
# of there.

if name == "Aguy12": # First checks if they answered "Aguy12"
  print("Wait a second...")
elif name == "Aguy11": # Then checks if they answered with "Aguy11"*
  print("Now that's definitely not true")
else: # If none of those are true greets the person accordingly
  print(f"Hello, {name}!")
Posted by: Guest on January-23-2021

python inline if

Python does not have a trailing if statement.
There are two kinds of if in Python:

1. if statement:

  if condition: statement
  if condition:
2. if expression (introduced in Python 2.5)

	expression_if_true if condition else expression_if_false

And note, that both print a and b = a are statements. Only the a part is an expression. So if you write
  print a if b else 0
it means
	print (a if b else 0)
and similarly when you write
	x = a if b else 0
it means
	x = (a if b else 0)
Now what would it print/assign if there was no else clause? The print/assignment is still there.
And note, that if you don't want it to be there, you can always write the regular if statement on a single line, though it's less readable and there is really no reason to avoid the two-line variant.
Posted by: Guest on March-12-2020

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