how to create a string in python
var1 = "A String"
define a string in python
string1 = "something"
string2 = 'something else'
string3 = """
python string
#Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.
print("This is a string")
print('i am also a string')
python string tutorial
print("Hellonworld") #for a new line "n"
print("I want to type "Hello world" but I can't") #for writing characters used in coding
phrase = "Hello World" #assigning a value
print(phrase) #for printing values
print(phrase.upper()) #for changing the string to upper case.
# If you change "upper" out with "lower" it will changing the string to lower case.
print(len(phrase)) # printing the length of the string
print(phrase[0]) # giving the first letter of the string
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
print(phrase.index("e")) # printing where in the string "e" is
print(phrase.index("llo"))# printing where in the string "llo" is
python string
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