basic calculator in python
#My Personal Python calculator
print("My Personal Python calculator")
num1 = int(input('Enter the first number: '))
num2 = int(input('Enter the second number: '))
#opration req
opr = input('Enter the type of operation you want to perform between your chosen two numbers: ')
if opr=='+':
ans = num1 + num2
# displaying the answer
print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
elif opr == '- ':
ans = num1 - num2
# displaying the answer
print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
elif opr=='*':
ans = num1 * num2;
# displaying the answer
print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
elif opr=='/':
ans = num1 / num2
# displaying the answer
print(f'Your final answer is {ans}')
print('Invalid Entry!!!')