arrow in python function
""" The arrow in python functions denotes the return value of the function. Note that the arrow doesn't enforce anything, and nothing prevents a developer from returning some value that isn't what is indicated. Obviously, this is bad practice, and should never happen. In the example below c is gotten from a function that claims to return an int, but instead returns a float. Despite this, Python has no problem using the float methods in c. """ def int_returner() -> int: return 1 def float_returner() -> float: return 1.0 def fake_int_returner() -> int: return 1.0 a = int_returner() b = float_returner() c = fake_int_returner() print(type(a)) #int print(type(b)) #float print(type(c)) #float (function hints an 'int') # is_integer() is a built-in function for floats that integers don't have. try: a.is_integer() except: print ("a has no method 'is_integer' meaning it isn't of type float") try: b.is_integer() except: print ("b has no method 'is_integer' meaning it isn't of type float") try: c.is_integer() except: print ("c has no method 'is_integer' meaning it isn't of type float")