Answers for "cipher caesar python"


python caesar cipher

def caesar_encrypt():
    word = input('Enter the plain text: ')
    c = ''
    for i in word:
        if (i == ' '):
            c += ' '
            c += (chr(ord(i) + 3))
    return c

def caesar_decrypt():
    word = input('Enter the cipher text: ')
    c = ''
    for i in word:
        if (i == ' '):
            c += ' '
            c += (chr(ord(i) - 3))
    return c
plain = 'hello'
cipher = caesar_encrypt(plain)
decipher = caesar_decrypt(cipher)
Posted by: Guest on November-24-2020

python ascii caesar cipher

def ascii_caesar_shift(message, distance):
    encrypted = ""
    for char in message:
        value = ord(char) + distance
        encrypted += chr(value % 128) #128 for ASCII
    return encrypted
Posted by: Guest on July-14-2020

python caesar cipher

plaintext = input("Please enter your plaintext: ")
shift = input("Please enter your key: ")
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
ciphertext = ""

# shift value can only be an integer
while isinstance(int(shift), int) == False:
  # asking the user to reenter the shift value
  shift = input("Please enter your key (integers only!): ")

shift = int(shift)
new_ind = 0 # this value will be changed later
for i in plaintext:
  if i.lower() in alphabet:
    new_ind = alphabet.index(i) + shift
    ciphertext += alphabet[new_ind % 26]
    ciphertext += i    
print("The ciphertext is: " + ciphertext)
Posted by: Guest on June-07-2020

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