Answers for "find ascii in python"


python ascii

>>> ord('a')
>>> chr(97)
>>> chr(ord('a') + 3)
Posted by: Guest on May-19-2020

write a program to find ascii value of a character in python

# Program to find the ASCII value of the given character

c = 'p'
print("The ASCII value of '" + c + "' is", ord(c))
Posted by: Guest on April-06-2021

convert characters in ascii in python

# Program to find the ASCII value of the given character

c = 'A'
print("The ASCII value of '" + c + "' is", ord(c))
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

ascii values in python of

c = 'p'
print("The ASCII value of '" + c + "' is", ord(c))
Posted by: Guest on May-10-2020

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