Answers for "how to get a row from pandas dataframe"


how to get a row from a dataframe in python

Posted by: Guest on May-15-2020

isolate row based on index pandas

dfObj.iloc[: , [0, 2]]
Posted by: Guest on March-30-2020

pandas df by row index

indices = [133, 22, 19, 203, 14, 1]
df_by_indices = df.iloc[indices, :]
Posted by: Guest on October-22-2020

pandas return row

1. 	Selecting data by row numbers (.iloc)
	# myrow = data.iloc[<row selection>]
 	myrow = data.iloc[7]
    myrow = data.iloc[0:9]
2. 	Selecting data by label or by a conditional statement (.loc)
	# myrow = data.loc[<row selection.]
  	myrow = data.loc['University ABC']
3. 	Selecting in a hybrid approach (.ix) (now Deprecated in Pandas 0.20.1)
	# Works like a .loc but also accepts integers - may lead to unexpected results
Posted by: Guest on June-15-2021

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