Answers for "delete an item in a list python"


python remove element from list

myList = ["hello", 8, "messy list", 3.14]  #Creates a list
myList.remove(3.14)                        #Removes first instance of 3.14 from myList
print(myList)                              #Prints myList
myList.remove(myList[1])                   #Removes first instance of the 2. item in myList
print(myList)                              #Prints myList

#Output will be the following (minus the hastags):
#["hello", 8, "messy list"]
#["hello", "messy list"]
Posted by: Guest on May-07-2021

remove item from list python

l = list[1, 2, 3, 4]

for i in range(len(list)):
  l.pop(i) # OR "l.remove(i)"
Posted by: Guest on February-02-2020

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