extract pdf text with python
# pip install tika
from tika import parser
raw = parser.from_file('yourfile.pdf')
extract pdf text with python
# pip install tika
from tika import parser
raw = parser.from_file('yourfile.pdf')
python extract text from pdf
import pdfplumber
with pdfplumber.open(r'example.pdf') as pdf:
first_page = pdf.pages[0]
pdf to text python
#!pip install tabula-py
import tabula
#read all table data
df = tabula.read_pdf("sample.pdf",pages=[1,2])
#tabula.convert_into("sample.pdf", "sample.csv", output_format="csv")
extract text from pdf python
# using PyMuPDF
import sys, fitz
fname = sys.argv[1] # get document filename
doc = fitz.open(fname) # open document
out = open(fname + ".txt", "wb") # open text output
for page in doc: # iterate the document pages
text = page.get_text().encode("utf8") # get plain text (is in UTF-8)
out.write(text) # write text of page
out.write(bytes((12,))) # write page delimiter (form feed 0x0C)
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