Answers for "create new column pandas based on condition"


make a condition statement on column pandas

df['color'] = ['red' if x == 'Z' else 'green' for x in df['Set']]
Posted by: Guest on May-12-2020

pandas create new column conditional on other columns

# For creating new column with multiple conditions
conditions = [
    (df['Base Column 1'] == 'A') & (df['Base Column 2'] == 'B'),
    (df['Base Column 3'] == 'C')]
choices = ['Conditional Value 1', 'Conditional Value 2']
df['New Column'] =, choices, default='Conditional Value 1')
Posted by: Guest on May-14-2020

pandas create a new column based on condition of two columns

conditions = [
    df['gender'].eq('male') & df['pet1'].eq(df['pet2']),
    df['gender'].eq('female') & df['pet1'].isin(['cat', 'dog'])

choices = [5,5]

df['points'] =, choices, default=0)

     gender      pet1      pet2  points
0      male       dog       dog       5
1      male       cat       cat       5
2      male       dog       cat       0
3    female       cat  squirrel       5
4    female       dog       dog       5
5    female  squirrel       cat       0
6  squirrel       dog       cat       0
Posted by: Guest on December-01-2020

make a condition statement on column pandas

df.loc[df['column name'] condition, 'new column name'] = 'value if condition is met'
Posted by: Guest on May-10-2020

add a value to an existing field in pandas dataframe after checking conditions

gapminder['gdpPercap_ind'] = gapminder.gdpPercap.apply(lambda x: 1 if x >= 1000 else 0)
Posted by: Guest on September-18-2020

new column in pandas with where logic

virtsizes = {
  "type1": { "gb": 1.2, "xxx": 0, "yyy": 30 },
  "type2": { "gb": 1.5, "xxx": 2, "yyy": 20  },
  "type3": { "gb": 2.3, "xxx": 0.1, "yyy": 10  },
d = {k:v['gb'] for k,v in virtsizes.items()}
print (d)
{'type2': 1.5, 'type1': 1.2, 'type3': 2.3}

df = pd.DataFrame({'vol-type':['type1','type2']})
df["real_size"] = df["vol-type"].map(d)
print (df)
  vol-type  real_size
0    type1        1.2
1    type2        1.5
Posted by: Guest on March-12-2020

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