Answers for "find how many unique values in pandas"


get count of unique values in column pandas

df = df.groupby('domain')['ID'].nunique()

print (df)
''    1
''      1
''     2
''          3
Name: ID, dtype: int64
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2020

unique values in dataframe column count

df.groupby('mID').agg(['count', 'size', 'nunique']).stack()

             dID  hID  uID
A   count      5    5    5
    size       5    5    5
    nunique    3    5    5
B   count      2    2    2
    size       2    2    2
    nunique    2    2    2
C   count      1    1    1
    size       1    1    1
    nunique    1    1    1
Posted by: Guest on August-20-2020

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